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Dark Tower pre Oct 2020 update

For the current format, see Dark Tower.

Dark Tower

Dark Tower unlocks at League 20 and it allows you to run mini tournaments against other players to test the overall strength of your collection. After paying a fee, which depends on your maximum league level, you play several battles against the AI until you reach 7 wins or 3 losses.[1] The starting player is randomly assigned for each match.

Once you reach seven wins or three losses, you get chests depending on how many wins you managed to achieve. The number of cards in the chests depends on your current league level.

  1. For mobile players, the maximum number of wins is 5. See the Clients#Mobile app for some other ways the game differs in its PC and mobile versions. For the remainder of this article, it will be assumed you are playing the PC version of the game.


During fights in Dark Tower you use all your cards. Each turn you are given a choice from four cards of the same rarity that have been randomly selected from your whole collection. Then your opponent gets to choose a card of the same rarity from his collection. Next turn all your cards are discarded and you must choose from a new set of four cards. For each turn, regardless of who goes first, both players get the same rarity cards to select from.

Unlike the Pit, you can use the same card more than once in a single Dark Tower battle, so there is no penalty for using the best card you have available.

If you don't own at least four cards of a given rarity, the missing spots will be filled by cards of some other rarity.


The opponents one may face are determined by player's total army power (aka total collection might), which can intuitively be seen as the sum of the mights of all cards one owns, without contributions from pets, reborn and soulbind. Therefore, troops isn't necessarily a good gauge for comparing opponents.

Matches are arranged so that every opponent is picked from a pool of players having an army power equal or lower to player's own - but not superior. In addition, the following coefficients are applied:

Total might multipliers
Match Multiplier
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 +5%
5 +10%
6 +20%
7 +30%

essentially meaning that the further one digs into the quest, the harder their opponents. Note that - as mentioned above - pets aren't taken into account, so whether a player will meet players with pets or not is purely up to luck. Likewise, matchmaking isn't affected by win/loss ratio.

Example: a player has 300k army power and 400k troops. He won the first four matches, and the 5th opponent is drawn from a pool ranging from 0 and 330k army power (not 440k troops!). Said player may or may not have a pet, and in such a case said pet may range from lv1 to lv26.

Note that some players may experience a peculiar troops/might ratio, that makes it so they will face the same opponents each time they restart DT. This is simply due to the fact that the pool of possible opponents is very narrow.

Difficulty level

The opponents you are matched with depends on your total collection might (see above), but the pattern of card rarity depends on your current league. If you find Dark Tower too hard, you can drop to a lower league or move up to a higher league, depending on whether your collection has more highly leveled commons and rares or more highly leveled epics and legendaries.

Using the table of rarity patterns below can help you figure out what league is your ideal spot for Dark Tower wins. If your best cards are able to appear early on, you stand a better chance of winning a match.

Rarity pattern

Each turn you are given four cards of the same rarity, and your AI opponent will also play a card from that rarity. What that rarity is depends on your current league and what turn it is. In the table below, C = Common, R = Rare, E = Epic, L = Legendary.

League 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Repeat
25–21 C Common card R Rare card C Common card R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card C Common card E Epic card Common card Rare card Common card Rare card Epic card Rare card Common card Epic card
20 R Rare card R Rare card E Epic card C Common card C Common card R Rare card E Epic card C Common card Rare card Rare card Epic card Common card Common card Rare card Epic card Common card
19 R Rare card C Common card E Epic card R Rare card C Common card E Epic card R Rare card C Common card Rare card Common card Epic card Rare card Common card Epic card Rare card Common card
18 C Common card C Common card R Rare card E Epic card C Common card R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card Common card Common card Rare card Epic card Common card Rare card Epic card Rare card
17 R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card C Common card R Rare card C Common card Rare card Epic card Rare card Epic card Rare card Common card Rare card Common card
16 C Common card R Rare card C Common card R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card R Rare card E Epic card Common card Rare card Common card Rare card Epic card Rare card Rare card Epic card
15 C Common card R Rare card L Legendary card E Epic card R Rare card E Epic card C Common card R Rare card Common card Rare card Legendary card Epic card Rare card Epic card Common card Rare card
14 R Rare card C Common card E Epic card R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card C Common card L Legendary card Rare card Common card Epic card Rare card Epic card Rare card Common card Legendary card
13 E Epic card R Rare card C Common card E Epic card R Rare card C Common card L Legendary card R Rare card Epic card Rare card Common card Epic card Rare card Common card Legendary card Rare card
12 C Common card R Rare card R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card L Legendary card Common card Rare card Rare card Epic card Rare card Epic card Rare card Legendary card
11 R Rare card C Common card E Epic card R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card R Rare card L Legendary card Rare card Common card Epic card Rare card Epic card Rare card Rare card Legendary card
10 E Epic card R Rare card R Rare card L Legendary card R Rare card E Epic card L Legendary card R Rare card Epic card Rare card Rare card Legendary card Rare card Epic card Legendary card Rare card
9 R Rare card L Legendary card E Epic card R Rare card L Legendary card E Epic card R Rare card E Epic card Rare card Legendary card Epic card Rare card Legendary card Epic card Rare card Epic card
8 R Rare card R Rare card E Epic card L Legendary card R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card L Legendary card Rare card Rare card Epic card Legendary card Rare card Epic card Rare card Legendary card
7 R Rare card E Epic card L Legendary card R Rare card E Epic card L Legendary card R Rare card R Rare card Rare card Epic card Legendary card Rare card Epic card Legendary card Rare card Rare card
6 R Rare card E Epic card R Rare card R Rare card L Legendary card E Epic card R Rare card L Legendary card Rare card Epic card Rare card Rare card Legendary card Epic card Rare card Legendary card
5 E Epic card R Rare card E Epic card L Legendary card R Rare card L Legendary card R Rare card L Legendary card Epic card Rare card Epic card Legendary card Rare card Legendary card Rare card Legendary card
4 L Legendary card R Rare card L Legendary card E Epic card R Rare card E Epic card L Legendary card E Epic card Legendary card Rare card Legendary card Epic card Rare card Epic card Legendary card Epic card
3 E Epic card E Epic card L Legendary card R Rare card R Rare card L Legendary card E Epic card L Legendary card Epic card Epic card Legendary card Rare card Rare card Legendary card Epic card Legendary card
2 E Epic card R Rare card L Legendary card E Epic card L Legendary card E Epic card R Rare card L Legendary card Epic card Rare card Legendary card Epic card Legendary card Epic card Rare card Legendary card
1 L Legendary card R Rare card E Epic card L Legendary card R Rare card L Legendary card E Epic card L Legendary card Legendary card Rare card Epic card Legendary card Rare card Legendary card Epic card Legendary card
GM L Legendary card R Rare card E Epic card L Legendary card R Rare card L Legendary card E Epic card L Legendary card Legendary card Rare card Epic card Legendary card Rare card Legendary card Epic card Legendary card


After each win, you get Medals that you can use in Dark Tower Shop. After completing a Dark Tower run, you are rewarded with Chests. Level of the chests depends on your league level during the last fight.

Wins Rewards Mobile
0 1 x Common Chest 1 x Common Chest
1 2 x Common Chest 2 x Common Chest
2 3 x Common Chest 3 x Common Chest
3 1 x Rare Chest 1 x Rare Chest
4 1 x Big Rare Chest 1 x Big Rare Chest
5 2 x Big Rare Chest 2 x Big Rare Chest
6 3 x Big Rare Chest - - -
7 4 x Big Rare Chest - - -

Go to the page about Big Rare Chest to see how much more or less rewards you get depending on your league level.

The amount of Medals you get depends on your maximum league level. Each win gives you 25 more medals than the previous one. The maximum amount of Medals you can earn is capped at 50000.

During Events all Dark Tower chests award 50 Sparks regardless of rarity.

Max League Level DT cost entry First win Medals Last win Medals
20 500 75 225
19 550 80 230
18 600 85 235
17 650 90 240
16 700 95 245
15 750 100 250
14 800 105 255
13 850 110 260
12 900 115 265
11 950 120 270
10 1000 125 275
9 1050 130 280
8 1100 135 285
7 1150 140 290
6 1200 145 295
5 1250 150 300
4 1300 155 305
3 1350 160 310
2 1400 165 315
1 1450 170 320
GM 1500 175 325
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