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Pet hunting for opportunists and cheapskates

Hunting Tips

Hunting to level up your Pet can be quite expensive, both due to the cost of starting the Hunt as well as completing the quests. The best way to go about hunting is trying to set yourself up into a position where if you do start the Hunt, you will also be able to complete it to gain maximum rewards for your gems spent, as finishing 9 of the 10 quests will only give you 45 % of the rewards. It is therefore advised to familiarise yourself with the possible quests you can get before the Hunt has even begun. Unless you have a lot of resources stored away, it is recommend to not do a Pet Hunt every day as it increases the cost of completing otherwise cheap or easy quests drastically. Try instead to limit the Pet Hunts to times where you can complete all of the potential quests.

The ones you can plan for are listed below along with tips on how to deal with them more easily.

  • Collect Common/Rare cards: These can be helped along using the rewards from Turf War. You can also make use of the Special Shops or Shop. Another option is saving enough Friendship Tokens to perform various Fuck Buddies summons.
  • Collect Legendary cards: This one will always require you to either summon for the legendary souls, or make use of the legendary bosses in the Pit. As a final measure, evolving into legendary cards can also be done, although this is going to become expensive over time.
  • Open Epic Chests: This is the most expensive one as it will require you to summon Mistresses to complete because finding and opening so many epic chests is impossible in 24 hours even when combining League and Pit. If you are lucky it will come together with the Summon Mistress quests. Timing a Hunt with an Event quest that requires to Summon Mistresses may also help you kill two birds with one stone. Often even a 10x Mistresses summon will not yield enough epic chests to complete a hunt for a legendary pet. The remaining few can be obtained by 10x Fuck Buddies summons, as such a summons has about a 50% chance of yielding an epic chest: 50 chests with a 1% chance of each being an epic chest.
  • Spend Contribution: This quest is pretty straightforward. Be sure to save enough contribution to be able to complete this step before starting a Hunt.
  • Collect Elixir: Storing Elixir from Guild purchases in your Inbox can help you progress in this quest. Afterwards, if it is needed, buy Elixir from the Pit Shop before buying the last from the regular Shop to clear the quest if needed.
  • Collect Gold: Collecting a lot of gold in a short time can be slightly demanding, as even with the Guild Bonus giving additional gold it is not too much. However, both gold from the shop, from summons (such as mistress/Goddess summon), Gold Mine, and Journey Shop can help alleviate it.
  • Collect Ancient Coins: While on paper it appears to be an easy quest by completing journey battles, it can be expensive due to the high frequency of events eating Journey Keys, and the scarcity of rank ups at higher ranks. This quest may require you to buy Keys to progress, especially if you do not start at 5 Journey Keys and rank up during the Hunt. Hunting during an event may keep you from getting sparks from the Event Bosses. It is helpful for this quest to start the hunt during either the "Win in Journey gives +100%", or the "Soulbind 5 times for 1500" ancient coins minievents.
  • Reborn Legendary Cards: The presence of this quest will force you to always have a reborn on hand that can be performed, even if you do normally wait for them, or wish to perform them as quickly as possible.
  • Spend Soul Dust: While the quest is straightforward, Soul Dust can become scarce and valuable. To avoid feeling that you are wasting Soul Dust, try to time your Hunt with Event steps that require boosting other cards. Another option is performing a few soulbinds that require the use of Soul Dust.
  • Ranking Up: Depending on the experience you need to Rank Up this quest can be the hardest of them all. It is recommended to only do a Hunt when your experience has gotten you close enough to do a Rank Up by doing some level ups. It is helpful for this quest to start the hunt during the "Picking Hookers Up" mini event.

Level Up

This section was designed to help Pet owners see how many Hunts and gems it would take to level their Pet (depending on rarity). The gems needed to level a Pet in this section only consist of the ones required to start a Hunt. In other words, the gems calculated in the next few tables do not include any extra gems you may need to complete a particular quest you may get in a Hunt (such as do X number of mistresses summons).

The following tables include two hypothetical scenarios, the first being the completion of only 9 out of 10 quests done each Hunt, and the second being the completion of all 10 quests provided by each Hunt, thus getting the maximum number of cards per Hunt possible. This was done so that Pet owners can see the effect of not doing all quests provided by each Hunt.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on the number of quests completed each Hunt by the player. The number of gems used per Hunt could double in case the quests provided by that Hunt requires them. By NO means will any wiki staff be held responsible for these variations and/or actions of the Pet owners.

Rare Pet

9/10 Quests Completed per Hunt 10/10 Quests Completed per Hunt
Hunts needed to level up Hunts needed to reach level Gems needed to reach level Hunts needed to level up Hunts needed to reach level Gems needed to reach level
1 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 1 1 500 0 1 500
3 0 2 1000 1 1 500
4 1 2 1000 0 2 1000
5 1 3 1500 0 2 1000
6 1 4 2000 1 2 1000
7 1 5 2500 0 3 1500
8 1 6 3000 1 3 1500
9 1 7 3500 0 4 2000
10 1 8 4000 1 4 2000
11 1 9 4500 0 5 2500
12 2 10 5000 1 5 2500
13 1 12 6000 1 6 3000
14 2 13 6500 1 7 3500
15 2 15 7500 1 8 4000
16 3 17 8500 1 9 4500
17 4 20 10000 2 10 5000
18 5 24 12000 2 12 6000
19 5 29 14500 2 14 7000
20 7 34 17000 3 16 8000
21 7 41 20500 4 19 9500
22 9 48 24000 4 23 11500
23 11 57 28500 4 27 13500
24 13 68 34000 6 31 15500
25 17 81 40500 8 37 18500
26 0 98 49000 0 45 22500

Epic Pet

9/10 Quests Completed per Hunt 10/10 Quests Completed per Hunt
Hunts needed to level up Hunts needed to reach level Gems needed to reach level Hunts needed to level up Hunts needed to reach level Gems needed to reach level
1 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 1 1 800 0 1 800
3 0 2 1600 1 1 800
4 1 2 1600 0 2 1600
5 1 3 2400 0 2 1600
6 1 4 3200 1 2 1600
7 1 5 4000 0 3 2400
8 1 6 4800 1 3 2400
9 1 7 5600 0 4 3200
10 1 8 6400 1 4 3200
11 1 9 7200 0 5 4000
12 1 10 8000 1 5 4000
13 2 11 8800 1 6 4800
14 2 13 10400 1 7 5600
15 2 15 12000 1 8 6400
16 3 17 13600 1 9 7200
17 4 20 16000 2 10 8000
18 4 24 19200 1 12 9600
19 5 28 22400 3 13 10400
20 6 33 26400 2 16 12800
21 7 39 31200 4 18 14400
22 10 46 36800 4 22 17600
23 12 56 44800 5 26 20800
24 14 68 54400 7 31 24800
25 17 82 65600 7 38 30400
26 0 99 79200 0 45 36000

Legendary Pet

9/10 Quests Completed per Hunt 10/10 Quests Completed per Hunt
Hunts needed to level up Hunts needed to reach level Gems needed to reach level Hunts needed to level up Hunts needed to reach level Gems needed to reach level
1 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 1 1 1500 0 1 1500
3 1 2 3000 1 1 1500
4 0 3 4500 0 2 3000
5 1 3 4500 1 2 3000
6 1 4 6000 0 3 4500
7 2 5 7500 1 3 4500
8 1 7 10500 1 4 6000
9 2 8 12000 0 5 7500
10 1 10 15000 1 5 7500
11 2 11 16500 1 6 9000
12 3 13 19500 1 7 10500
13 3 16 24000 1 8 12000
14 3 19 28500 2 9 13500
15 4 22 33000 2 11 16500
16 4 26 39000 2 13 19500
17 6 30 45000 2 15 22500
18 6 36 54000 3 17 25500
19 8 42 63000 4 20 30000
20 9 50 75000 4 24 36000
21 12 59 88500 5 28 42000
22 15 71 106500 7 33 49500
23 18 86 129000 8 40 60000
24 22 104 156000 10 48 72000
25 27 126 189000 12 58 87000
26 0 153 229500 0 70 105000
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